Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Cyber Bullying

Cyber bullying is just bullying someone over the internet or related technology. Bullying over the internet has caused many issues in society, first the person is already getting bullied at school or other places and then we have the internet on which websites like Facebook or apps are phones are being used to bully people. This is a major issue because it causes some people to commit suicide. In the article "Girls Suicide Points Rise in Apps Used by Cyber Bullies" it talks about how a girl named Rebecca was being cyber bullied with messages like "Go kill yourself" or "Why are you even alive?" which led to her finally deciding to actually commit suicide. She gave a final message, the last bye to her friends and jumped off of a cement plant.


  1. Why commit suicide? If Rebecca was being bullied physically and on the internet, she should have spoken up.

  2. It's really hard to read stuff about people committing suicide over how someone treated them. It's ridiculous I would never think people would take it so far
