Monday, November 11, 2013

Privacy and Security

The internet is the main thing now days. Everyone is on it, everyone uses it. Hackers know this and take advantage of the dumb people. They make fake ads, phishing emails, and even make you install malware on your PC. According to the article “Why Spyware Poses Multiple Threats to Security”, malware could just take all your information and provide it to the hacker, including every keystroke.

Well, now we have our own government doing that, in a worse way. They are worse than the usual cybercriminals because with the usual, at least you can remove malware, and hacks. The government is taking information not by hacking your computer, but by hacking your ISP’s internet feed. Every bit of data is saved on NSA servers. People don’t really care much and that is the problem. The government wants to fight cybercriminals when they are now exposed as the biggest ones, thanks to Edward Snowden. According to “NSA and FBI tapping into U.S. Internet companies servers” NSA is not only directly tapping its citizens and non-citizens all around the world but they are also tapping into ISP servers to get even more data. Why so much data? Well, think about it, it’s not for security, it is for controlling the masses. They fully controlled the “Old Media” which is the TV by buying all major channels, now we have the internet, literally taking over the old media.

I believe that they want to survey people from around the world and see what they are interested in and what they want. This is a big thing, because it lets them know what they need to do in future with the propaganda and whether it is working or not. All they need to do is run a query like “We should ban guns”. Now if that amount/day is growing, there success is growing, in banning guns and they will continue to do these mass shootings on innocent people until that is done. This is just my opinion but it sure make sense to me when you see these events happen all of the sudden, just when they want to ban guns. Guys with full body armor with professional weaponry going insane. This is what surveying the internet is about, they can check and stay up to date on how people are reacting, what they are searching, what they are eating, what is trending among what groups of people. Just a huge survey system, in the name of privacy and security. We can call this a conspiracy theory, but I think this really could at least be close to it.

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